Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A few nights ago I went to hear Sogyal Ripoche speak. He is a well known Tibetan Buddhist teacher who wrote the Tibetan Book of Living and Dieing. The lecture was about controlling the mind and was fascinating and simple at the same time. That seems to be true of many Buddhist teachings..He said that to transform the mind we had to understand its true nature.. Well- what the heck is that?? It is a mind free from grasping, endless thoughts, emotions and stories; those things that create Samsara where we are lost in the projections of the mind.

The true nature of the mind, he said, is Nirvana- the mind turned inward; a state of non-distraction. The absence of "I" within actions taken.

In thinking about this I realized that this is exactly the state of mind I speak of to my Tibetan bowl sound healing students when I describe "Presencing". Presencing is the ability to be with a client with no agenda, with full attention towards them. Most of us can relate to the notion of "holding the space", for something. The true nature of the mind then must be like holding the space for oneself. Just being present to what is without attachment, projection, or stories. This state of non distraction can also be described as meditation-- active or passive. Either way it is a good place to be.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Diane Mandle on Blog Talk Radio

Please join Diane Mandle on a Blog Talk Radio interview with Dr Karen Vizer. Diane discusses sound healing with tibetan bowls, it's healing properties, value in meditation and deep relaxation and more. Tune in to:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Consciousness Transformation

Sound healing with Tibetan bowls is a powerful way to transform ones own and the collective consciousness of the planet. Every time we meditate on our own or participate in a group meditation, we also change the energetic imprint we are creating. I recently came across this great website that offers another means of making a difference on the planet. Please look at the website and sign up to participate on 11/11 at: http://www.newrealitytransmission.com/

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Playing For Change | The Journey

Playing For Change | The Journey

Here is one of my favorite groups. Talk about Sound Healing. Sound has always been the ambassador of Peace.. It defies class, economic status, race, religion.... it calls to the best part of us all and opens hearts. Listen, donate, meditate and pass on the good vibes to all your friends.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We Are What We Believe

Really, it is so simple to change a circumstance. We need to change our attitude and thoughts about it. That is not to say it is easy. Changing our thoughts from habitual to chosen is something we have the opportunity to practice over and over throughout our lifetime. Every challenging situation, every person we have trouble with, every circumstance we experience as negative is such an opportunity. One way to think about this is to recognize that any relationship is really a reflection of the part of you that shows up in that relationship. This includes our relationship with ourselves. This morning a quote from Beliefnet came across my desk and seemed reflect this issue.

"Whatever attitudes we habitually use toward ourselves, we will use on others, and whatever attitutes we habitually use on others, we will use on ourselves. This situation is comparable to serving food to ourselves and to other people from the same bowl. Everyone ends up eating the same thing-we must examine carefully what we are dishing out. "
-Bhante Heneopla GUnaratana- Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness"

Fortunately, we have support: Positive people, books and activities that help to shift our thinking patterns from rote to chosen train us. Sound healing sessions and meditations with the Tibetan Singing Bowls are effective in helping us to become conscious of our belief systems and actions, and to reawaken us to our true essence, which is always compassionate and loving. This is their purpose, to transform consciousness and create healing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sound healing and Our Ears

Did you know that sound or hearing is one of the first senses that we develop? A human fetus can hear its mothers voice when it is only 18 weeks old. Though researchers are still learning about how sound effects the growing brain at this stage, one thing is for sure; sound, especially high frequency sound increases the electrical potential of the brain. The high frequencies in sound healing through Tibetan singing bowls uses this to induce our brains into deep meditative and peaceful states which aids all aspects of healing.
In addition, the vagus nerve, known as the traveler nerve, goes from out brain stem to all the major organs in our bodies. This nerve has antennas in our inner ear so the healing properties of the singing bowls is also delivered in this manner to speed up the healing process.

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Sound Energy Healing Video Channel

Check out my new YouTube Channel and stay tuned for regular additions to Sound Energy Healing. I will be posting more videos on how to use the Tibetan singing bowls for personal development and healing. Also, some quality videos from my colleagues will be posted there.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cardiorespiratory synchronization

An article written by D Cysarz & A. Bussing spoke of a report done which examined the effects of meditation on breathing oscillations and the modulations of heart rate.An electrocardiogram and a respiratory trace were recorded simultaneously as a series of tests were conducted. The bottom line was that "The high degree of cardiorespiratory synchronization during meditation in unexperienced meditators suggests that the physiological implications of meditation does not require prior experience in meditation."

Using Tibetan bowls in sessions works as in internal opiate and reduces pain as it initiates the relaxation response. This, combined with cardiorespiratory synchronization creates of the body a perfect container for healing. It has been my experience that people who are not accustomed to meditating (as well as those who are) are able to achieve a deep level of altered consciousness much faster during singing bowl sessions than in other forms of meditation.

Check out http://www.soundenergyhealing and http://www.tibetanbowlschool.com

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I subscribe to several good sound healing blogs. This one is from Dr. Alice Cash and tho it is not specifically about Tibetan bowl sound healing or Tibetan singing bowls the information is great. have a look.

Using Music for Brain Food

School is very competitive these days. Actually life is very competitive. Everyone is looking for a way to get a little edge over the next guy or gal. Although I believe that cooperation and not competition is the way to go, maximizing your brain's potential certainly can't hurt. Today there is ample research documenting that that music is far more than just entertainment. And yet we know that when school officials cut the budget, music is one of the first things to go. In a recent study headlined "TEXAS ALL-STATE MUSICIANS SCORE 196 POINTS ABOVE NATIONAL AVERAGE ON THE 2000 SAT" the Texas music educators association reported that students involved in orchestra, band, or chorus had higher scores on their SAT's than students who were not involved in a music program. The students who scored highest were those in the schools' string orchestras.

Another interesting story comes from The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 11, 1997. In an article entitled "For The Sake Of Science: The Arts Deserve Support," Robert S. Root-Bernstein, Professor of Physiology at Michigan State University makes many fascinating points about how science and the arts have intersected in order to make our world a better and a safer place. For example, Music can also produce insights useful to science and technology. Take "frequency hopping," in which coded signals are sent along a constantly changing set of frequencies so that the signals can be neither intercepted nor blocked. In 1942, the composer George Antheil and the actress Hedy Lamar suggested using the melody of a song as a way of sending signals in Morse code. The person receiving the message would already know what song was being used and constantly retune his receiver to the frequency of the next note in the song to hear the Morse-code version of the next letter in the message. Someone who didn't know which song was being used would have no idea what frequency to listen to. The concept has spawned hundreds of patents and is the basis of many of the secure communications systems now used by the U.S. military.

Of course, no one can guarantee that getting your child involved in music will produce astounding results or great inventions or discoveries. What I can almost guarantee is a lot of fun, satisfaction, and a boost in self-esteem for child and probably for parent. Again, research has shown that students who are actively involved in music programs (and other programs at school) are less likely to become involved in gang activity and other negative behaviors because they have discovered and reinforced positive behavioral skills.

About Author Dr. Alice Cash: Helping people to use music for Healing and Wellness. Dr. Cash stresses the use of music for health, learning, motivation, relaxation, energy building, or well-being. She is known internationally for her work with music and pregnancy, surgery, addictions, and Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Cash can be reached through Healing Music Enterprises. (www.healingmusicenterprises.com)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Breath, Sound and the Universe

At the end of a recent yoga and Tibetan Bowl event. I mentioned that our breath is not really 'ours' because it has been part of the universe forever. The breath we inhale might have gone around the universe many times, into oceans, through mountains, animals... It may have been breathed by Buddha, or Jesus or Hitler or Mohammed before reaching us. And our exhalation will go out and circulate for ever as well... One person had a strong reaction to the mention of Hitler and wanted to know why he was mentioned. Here is my response: What do you think??

The Tibetan instruments are all about the interconnectedness of all things. All things, no exceptions. It is much easier to be open to feelings of universal connectedness when it comes to what we know and love... The whole point of sound healing, and especially of the gong.. is to help us to stretch our boundaries to that which feels like a challenge. The belief is that everyone has the seed of the divine within them.. What they do with it can be a manifestation of love or hate. But the seed, the essence is always one of divine perfection. And all of us..have the ability to express love or hate.. we have all human emotion within us and we have choice as to what we do with it. When you hear the gong and you allow its strong vibrations to course through you - you are opening and accepting of what could be a huge and painful challenge should you decide to resist it. The mention of Hitler is only to say, that we recognize it all- the entire spectrum of human behavior because it is part of us all.. I think we all recognize that the direction Hitler took was an abaration but the sound is about getting to a place of compassion that is so deep that we can condemn the behavior but still recognize the essence within any human being. It is not easy but it is the mark of expanding consciousness.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good to hear what is around you

I have a story to tell you about oranges. One in particular that came with me last week when I went to Las Vegas to do a concert, some healing sessions and then 2 days of kayaking... Oranges are great on trips because they hold up so well. We were on the Colorado river in a place where there were natural hot springs in the hills just above the camping area. We climbed up there to sit in the mineral bath and I had an orange in my pocket. Along the way I noticed a small group of people with one large man who was sitting with his head in his hands. He had fainted from being in the tub too long and couldn't get down the mountain. Every time he stood up he fell down. He had a cut on his nose from one of the falls and was bleeding. As I walked by I heard someone was saying that he needed sugar so I gave him the orange. For the next 2 days every single person I passed on the river from that group thanked me for overhearing their conversation. They said that it was only after eating the orange that he was able to walk without fainting and that all they had was water. Normally, eavesdropping is not considered to be in good taste but responding to what I heard turned out to be a gift for this man. What is really cool about the whole situation tho is where the orange came from. I had gifted a client of mine who is suffering from cancer a free sound healing session. A few days later he turned up at the cancer clinic where I work with a huge bag of oranges from his orchard. So the orange was the energy of gifting from one person to another. I wonder what gift the man who ate the orange will pass along...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Toning Workshop

I just attended an Overtoning workshop with Wayne Perry. He has written some excellent books on the subject and his cd's have also been instrumental in helping to learn overtoning basics. The workshop itself was disappointing because of the teaching style. Teaching is different than making music, or writing-- and the style of his presentations just did not sit well with me. However, there were several wonderful gems to be had. One was the ability to tone ones name the way it was said as a child with all the negative connotations ( ie.when we were in trouble) Also including the adaptations of our name we didn't especially enjoy-- or used to make fun of us. After energetically repeating our name that way for a minute or so..enough time to release the energy of it, we toned our name the way we want to hear it now.. respectfully, sweetly, appreciatively etc. An adaptation of that activity is something I use in my private tibetan bowl sound healing sessions to help clients release pain - physical or emotional. They make the sound of the pain and then replace it with a soothing sound. It is surprisingly powerful. I would love to hear from those of you who do the name exercise above. Do send in your experiences.
Visit me at Sound Energy Healing

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sound Healing Podcast with Diane Mandle

Recently I discovered a fantastic website- Zentertainment Talk Radio hosted by Jo Davidson. Jo presents an impressive list of interviews with leading authors and pioneers in the field of energy work- all kinds of energy work. As she herself states, the site is: "all about discovering what is possible in any situation." And this from a person who has suffered severe physical setbacks. Tune into our conversation about Tibetan bowl sound healing. Jo asks really great questions!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Sound Healing and Cancer

If you have cancer or know someone who does, tune into this teleclass which will discuss how Tibetan bowl sound healing can be used with cancer clients on Monday March 1, 6pm Pacific time. The subject is so rich it will probably involve more than one session. I have been working with cancer patients for about 6 years now and sound healing is so effective in the healing journey. Want to join in? Register online at http://www.tibetanbowlschool.com/regist.shtml Scroll down the page until you see the Teleclass section. Register by Feb 26.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jill Matson was a guest on my Sound Healing Teleclass. Her knowledge of sound, its history and worldwide practices is deep and stems from years of research. It is important that sound healers, whether working with Tibetan bowls or other forms of sound support one another. Please take some time to visit Jills website. For those who are interested in further study with the bowls- also have a look at www.tibetanbowlschool.com

“Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing” is an extraordinary adventure filled with secrets from age-old cultures - along with the latest findings from today’s cutting-edge scientists - to take with Jill Mattson (author, composer, musician and artist). Her music and books glean techniques she discovered during her intense 17 year study of Antiquities and Secret Societies - who utilized sound as a profound tool to transform people’s consciousness and to create physiological changes in the brain - to dramatically heal mind, body and spirit. Ancient societies touted that music shaped people’s consciousness and could be designed for rapid spiritual growth. They designed music to balance astrological energy, energy of the seasons and to aid humanity in learning lessons. Ms. Mattson shares the precise ways that you can do the same things for yourself. She offers complementary sound healing mp3’s and sound healing newsletter at www.jillshealingmusic.com. Take an audible journey into the heavens and listen to this spiritual and uplifting music at www.jillswingsoflight.com.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mind Traps

The last couple of days have been triggers for some very old stuff to come up. Just when we think we are past it, old stories come back up and it can be so discouraging to feel ourselves going backwards. Disappointment at ourselves for having the issue resurface, annoyance that we have to face it again, the pain of the issue itself and then of course- scornful self judgment that we are not bigger than all of this ( haven't I evolved at all??) So after 2 days of being in blue funk mode I realized that I had not gotten into any arguments because of my trigger, that I had performed all the intended tasks for that time period, that I had allowed myself the time to be silent so I could think about how to best express myself without shaming or blaming anyone else, that although I felt sad I was not running away from my feelings and that I recognized and stopped myself from spiraling into 'story' mode. Then I realized that in addition to being in the moment with my feelings, I was also watching myself live them and making choices about which way to go with things. This, I believe is an influence from working with the singing bowls over time. Perspective. I can see that I have grown and that even when old issues resurface, I respond differently and work through them much faster. Getting back into alignment as I go through my paces. Could it be the cellular memory of the Tibetan bowl vibrations that have strengthened my ablility to face challenges? I believe this to be true.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Looking for Venues

Every year I take several wonderful journeys to various places to offer Tibetan bowl sound healing concerts, workshops and private sessions. One of my favorite places is the Sierra Nevadas with the beautiful vistas, the charming towns, and when there is time, a stopover at Sierraville hot springs. I revisit places I have been and seek new venues. This year I plan to tour in May and would love some suggestions for new places: large yoga studios, churches, even small group gatherings. The idea is to travel up the coast from Encinitas then cross over to places like Folsom, Auburn, Reno and come back via Fresno... So anything around that route would be great. Sound energy healing is gaining more and more recognition internationally. I am committed to helping to educate people not only about the instruments, but also how Tibetan Buddhist principals influence how they are used. You can contact me at diane@soundenergyhealing.com Thanks!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sarasvati's Dream Inspires Book

Alan Jordan has written a series of books and Diane Mandle's sound energy healing CD, Sarasvati's Dream has influenced his writing. Harmony is a forthcoming trilogy of science-fiction fantasy with collateral poetry and related non-fiction resources that explore the concepts of living in harmony with the Universe; Universal Knowledge; God; and the true nature of evil, love and the soul.

The books explore the potentials of consciousness using multiple ways of knowing. These include intuition, feeling, reason, the five human senses, and two additional senses that Jordan postulates “glow,” and “vibration.”

To see how Diane's healing music CD has influenced the material in his book Click Here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Spirit of Sound

Last week I had the great fortune to be on a large sail boat in La Paz, Mexico. We spent a few
days out at sea and were delighted when a large pod of gray whales came near us to breach for about an hour. The sight of their huge bodies bounding in and out of the water was magnificent, but the booming sound of their voices silenced us. It was like a call from beyond time and space. It touched a part of my soul that recognized the connection to all things. Upon return home, this quote arrived on my computer:

" For there is nothing in this world that can help one spiritually more than music. Meditation prepares, but music is the highest for touching perfection."

Yesterday, I conducted a Tibetan bowl sound healing session with one of my cancer clients. She said that each visit is like a sound meditation that leaves her with a sense of infinity. I realize that is also what I felt in the presence of the whale calls. There are just so many opportunities to feel gratitude in this life.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Blessing

With the wonderful Blue Moon this month to celebrate the New Year, it is an especially powerful time to offer blessings as well as to energize the highest vision of ourselves. Here is a lovely traditional Tibetan Buddhist Blessing to recite while playing your Sacred Sound Instruments. Remember that the tingshas awaken dormant energies, so are good to play at the start of your meditation, the gantas move energy, so played in a clockwise direction will send your blessing out into the universe, and the Tibetan singing bowls will harmonize or align energy.. so good to play in a sustained manner that helps to integrate the vibration of the words into the every day world.
May I become at all times, both now and forever, a protector of those without protection.
A guide for those who have lost their ways
A ship for those with oceans to cross
a bridge for those with rivers to cross
a sanctuary for those in danger
a lamp for those without light
a place of refuge for those who lack shelter
and a servant to all in need.

- 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)

On another note I seek new venues to perform my sound healing Tibetan Bowl and Planetary Gong Sacred Sound concert in. I have toured with this concert for over six years and now offer a new performance. The areas I seek are in Arizona, anywhere in California or Nevada side of the Sierra's and in northern California. Space needs to be large enough to hold a minimum of 35 people. Please email me at diane@soundenergyhealing.com and have a look at the video here