Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sound Healing and Consciousness

Over the years the voice of my inner critic has changed a great deal, thanks to working with the Tibetan singing bowls. These instruments that teach compassion through their magnificent voices, that touch the soul and help us to remember who we are have made a major impact on my own life and the lives of my sound healing students and clients. It is good to once in a while, acknowledge our accomplishments and the other day, when I surprised myself with a tone of voice that did not match the image of who I want to be.. I just stopped. This voice has been part of me for a long time and pops up now and then, when I am tired, irritated or rushed. It is a voice that does not feel good to me or to the person receiving it. I am speaking here of a tone of voice rather than words used. In working with the bowls daily, I am able to access the highest part of myself. I do not require that I walk around ignoring my humanity tho.. But in this case the tone just didn't feel acceptable anymore.. I recognized that I had far outgrown the need to express myself in that way. I just released it because it no longer serves me rather than because I felt I should. The tone has been replaced by a moment.. a pause, a silence in which I can make a decision rather than a habitual reaction. The singing bowls, bring us into alignment so in using them often alignment becomes the norm rather than the exception. In this way what is not in alignment falls away simply because it feels right. I'd love to hear your stories about how the bowls have impacted on your life. Check out the websites at and

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