Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back in late 1990ies when I was working as a regional director for the American Cancer Society I could never have imagined that I would be doing the work I am doing today. As I scan my life and past jobs as a chamber of commerce director, a life coach, a human services director and before that an actress, radio producer, world traveler and yes, even a welfare single mom, I see that every single thing I learned from those jobs serves me now. But now, what I do not only supports my life, but is deeply nourishing to my spirit and hopefully serves a higher purpose in society.
Do what you love”. These are the words my mother whispered in my ear every day. The same words I passed on to my own children. Does it require a certain amount of courage? Yes. Absolutely. Is it worth it? There is no doubt. So how to begin the process of shifting your passion into your career?
  1. Take stock of all the work you have done and notice what you have enjoyed about each one. Then look for connections or overlap. In my case ( I am a Tibetan bowl sound healer and teacher) all my jobs involved some degree of multiculturalism, empowering people, organizing of ideas, events or perspectives. And those are the aspects of each job I loved.
  1. Notice if there is a yearning to learn more about something or seeing someone doing something you would love to do but don’t think you can. Take this as a sign! We so easily dismiss our inner signposts the subtle messages we receive because our belief systems don’t match up. I loved the one on one connection and the spiritual side of energy work but didn’t pay much attention to it until I was desperate to find a better outlet for my talents. I loved doing presentations at work because it used my performance skills. Now I travel internationally doing educational sound healing concerts. Who would have thought!
  1. Get clear that ANY transition has an aspect of fear. Never allow fear to deter you from your hearts desire. When you follow your passion, the universe usually meets you. ( When I packed up my belongings and moved to California I had no idea how things would work out. I sold or gave away almost everything I owned and said goodbye to friends and family. But I did that after having spent 2 years learning the amazing modality I now practice and teach. I knew it would take time to establish clients and was prepared to do whatever I needed to make some money while I met people and started a client base. It took several months and many free introductory sound healing mini concerts and sessions. Now I have a flourishing practice in an effective and compelling modality that keeps me centered as I help others.
  1. Yes, but” That phrase is a dream assassin. Just stick with “Yes” Did you know that good theater improvisation is based on the ability to say “yes” to every situation? “Yes” keeps the energy moving. So improvise with life in a manner that you can find the ‘yes, and” in situations. Look for what is possible rather than what is not. You would be surprised how fast things move forward by doing this. Simple but not easy. I had to keep reminding myself and noticing the ways I was sabotaging my own efforts. As I have become able to manifest my own dreams, I become better at helping others do the same. I love working with my Tibetan bowls because they help raise consciousness, my own and that of others.
  1. Don’t be afraid to be different. It is great to be the first or the only one doing something. If your passion seems a bit wacky- all the better. Really, how many Tibetan bowl sound healers do you know? I was one of the first. It is easier to distinguish oneself when what you do is unique. If what you want to do is not unique then know and be confident that what you bring to it makes it so. Own that completely. Now just go for it.
Diáne Mandle is founder of the Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing School and Sound Energy Healing, providing resources, services, events, and training in the use of the Tibetan Sacred Sound instruments. Like this post? Share it on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest or your own blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sound waves and magnetic bio energy are always good for healing internal chakras.

I am inviting you to come and read about my research on energy healing

John Mcgrath